Bestgore All The Gore
Bestgore: is a vile website for videos of gang executions, women being tortured, body parts being maimed — anything to turn people’s stomachs. The content is revolting and a lot of it is real. But does Mark Marek, Best Gore’s 38-year-old owner, deserve to go to jail?
In May, Best Gore published a video entitled “1 Lunatic 1 Icepick,” which showed a gruesome 10-minute murder. “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick is without a doubt the sickest thing you will have ever seen in your entire life,” Marek wrote at the time.
The clip showed the actual murder of Lin Jun, a 33-year-old engineering student from China, carried out by a psychopath who distributed the video online and then mailed the victim’s body parts to political parties. Murder trial proceedings for the suspected killer, a man who goes by the name Luka Magnotta, will begin in November.

You have stumbled upon a website that features gore videos and images. Due to the extremely graphic nature of materials found on Best Gore, access is restricted to adults only. If you are 18 years of age or over and wish to be reminded of real life, then be my guest, but do NOT take the warning lightly. Videos and images posted on Best Gore are bloody, gut-wrenching, teeth grinding, offensive and upsetting. Just as life itself.
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In June 2012, it was reported that the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal was investigating for charges of obscenity due to the posting of 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick. The Toronto Sun claimed that charges were pending against Marek, which he denied.
On July 16, 2013, Edmonton police charged Marek with one count of “corrupting morals” in connection with posting the Magnotta video. The rare charge is based on section 163 of the Canadian Criminal Code and carries a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment. One police investigator described the site as “a racist website, inciting hate, hatred, violence—violence above and beyond anything normal.” Marek was released on bail but was re-arrested on July 26 for allegedly violating the terms of his release. In January 2016, he pleaded guilty and was given a conditional sentence of three months of house arrest followed by three months of community service.
In a November 2013 interview with Adrianne Jeffries of The Verge, Marek said that section 163(1) prohibits the distribution of crime comics and methods of curing venereal disease, and noted that the law was enforced selectively and could be used indiscriminately. Marek also defended the value of actually looking at gory material:.
You can take the publishing of the chainsaw beheading by the Syrian rebels propaganda team who claimed that this atrocity was committed by people behind president Bashal al-Assad [sic]. The video stirred major outrage in the ranks of the sheeple, but it didn’t fool anyone on Best Gore, because we know where the video is really from. It’s been on Best Gore since before the Syrian fraudulent revolution started and we have its full version, including the original audio and know it’s from Mexico. It was the same when Best Gore busted the rebels about the publishing of the domestic gas leak explosion which they also manipulated into looking like the aftermath of alleged indiscriminate bombings by the rulers.
Or more recently, when the whole world was revving about Muslims being slaughtered by Buddhists in Burma (Myanmar)—the propaganda fooled everyone, except us on Best Gore because we recognized the lynching video from Kenya, the earthquake in Tibet and the tsunami disaster in Thailand which had been used in unrelated context.
Marek said that he had received testimonies from readers stating that viewing the images on his site had convinced them to avoid speeding, darting between traffic on a motorcycle, horseplay with forklifts, even from committing suicide, and that the government itself recognized the utility of shocking images by requiring them on cigarette packaging.
Sites Like Bestgore
Best Gore is a reality news website which reports on real-life events that are of interest to the public. Best Gore was founded on the fundamental principle that freedom of expression, freedom of the press and the right of the public to be informed are fundamental and necessary conditions for the realization of the principles of transparency and accountability that are, in turn, essential for the promotion and protection of all human rights in a democratic society.
Freedom of expression is the most important human right as it’s the one right from which all other rights derive power. The importance to protect this fundamental human right has been recognized by national and international treaties, including First Amendment to the US Constitution, Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 4 of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, and Section 2 (b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
International law holds that freedom of expression is protected in all forums, including online i.e. based within the World Wide Web.
On July 5, 2012, the UN Human Rights Council passed a landmark resolution on the promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet. This resolution was supported by 82 States.
History demonstrates that censorship is mostly used by those who detest freedom and progress, simply to stop truths or ideas emerging. This is inexcusable.
Harm to freedom of expression caused by censorship of content just because some may deem it blasphemous, obscene or morals-corrupting would be devastating and should be of utmost concern to all people of conscience.
Supporters of censorship and human rights violations need to be exposed to petty tyrants that they are, and dealt with accordingly. And this is where Best Gore steps in as the website has played a pivotal role in exposing lies which were declared as official truths by the mainstream media, exposed countless cases of police brutality, governments sanctioned terrorism, war profiteering, fear-mongering and other unsavory activities which enslave the people in injustice.
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In June 2012, the website was criticized for the inclusion of the graphic video titled 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick, which depicts the dismemberment of a corpse following the murder of Lin Jun committed by Luka Magnotta. Police said that Marek had initially refused requests to remove the video from the site, while Marek said, “I took it down myself, on my own terms, without being asked. Had any such request by police to take it down, as alleged, been made, I would have just told them that the video had been down for days.” Gil Zvulony, a Toronto-based lawyer specializing in Internet law, stated that the evidence supported the laying of obscenity charges against, stating, “There’s no real crime where there’s no knowledge, but once they got notice of that and they allowed it to stay on there, that’s where a crime was committed in my view.”
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In June 2012, it was reported that the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal was investigating for charges of obscenity due to the posting of 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick. The Toronto Sun claimed that charges were pending against Marek, which he denied.
On July 16, 2013, Edmonton police charged Marek with one count of “corrupting morals” in connection with posting the Magnotta video. The rare charge is based on section 163 of the Canadian Criminal Code and carries a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment. One police investigator described the site as “a racist website, inciting hate, hatred, violence—violence above and beyond anything normal.” Marek was released on bail, but was re-arrested on July 26 for allegedly violating the terms of his release. In January 2016, he pleaded guilty and was given a conditional sentence of three months of house arrest followed by three months of community service.
In a November 2013 interview with Adrianne Jeffries of The Verge, Marek said that section 163(1) prohibits distribution of crime comics and methods of curing venereal disease, and noted that the law was enforced selectively and could be used indiscriminately. Marek also defended the value of actually looking at gory material.
Bestgore Com Isis
By self-censoring yourself to the content on Best Gore, you are censoring your self to the truth. In any situation, if you feel like you can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, or are not allowed to look at something, you open the door to allowing someone else to tell you what happened.
By not seeing things for yourself, you are opening the door to being lied to and persuaded in one direction or the other. No matter how brutal, hard, sad, offensive, immoral, obscene, or [fill in the blank] something is to look at, only by seeing it with your own eyes can you make up your own opinion on the matter and see the truth.
When you bring yourself to look at the real violence in the world, it kicks your ass into reality because referring back to what I said earlier, everything I just said could be a lie.